All vehicles benefit from regular servicing, regardless of age, type or driving use. We offer a range of car servicing options for both petrol and diesel vehicles in Porirua
Do you want to reduce your fuel bills. Keep your car well tuned at all times and you will save money on your fuel bills, improve the performance of your car and be more friendly on the environment.
A tune up can be as simple as replacing the air filter and spark plugs, checking the engine management system is working correctly and that’s it. Or it may involve more complex repairs like, replacing engine management system sensors or carburettor overhauls, ignition system repairs and a ride range of other things.
The cost of a Tune up can start as low as $120 based on replacing the standard spark plugs and air filter for a 4 cylinder engine. So if you think your car is using more fuel than it should make a booking to see the team at North City Motors.
We also complete car servicing to warranty standards. A pickup and delivery service is also available for you within 5km of our location.
If you don’t know which car servicing option is right for you, don’t panic – the best thing to do is to come in and see the team. we’ll look at how you use your car and it’s service history, and then recommend a car servicing option just for you.
You will find North City Motors mechanical services particularly convenient if you live or work around the following areas: